Papers 1996

Working Papers 1996

General Properties of Option Prices (Revision of 11-95) (Reprint 058)
Yaacov Z. Bergman, Bruce D. Grundy and Zvi Wiener
(The Journal of Finance, Vol 51, Issue 5, December 1996)

The Design of Bank Loan Contracts, Collateral, and Renegotiation (Revision of 1-93)
Gary Gorton and James Kahn
(The Review of Financial Studies, Vol 13, Issue 2, April 2000)

Quotes, Order Flow, and Price Discovery (Revision of 18-95) (Reprint 059)
Marshall E. Blume and Michale A. Goldstein
(The Journal of Finance, Vol 52, Issue 1, March 1997)

Optimal Consumption Choices for a “Large” Investor
Domenico Cuoco and Jaksa Cvitanic
(Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol 22, Issue 3, March 1998)

Analyzing Investments Whose Histories Differ in Length
Robert F. Stambaugh
(Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 45, Issue 3, September 1997)

The Pre-Acquisition Performance of Target Firms: A Re-examination of the Inefficient Management Hypothesis (Revision of 23-95)
Anup Agrawal and Jeffrey F. Jaffe

Model Error in Contingent Claim Models (Dynamic Evaluation)
Eric Jacquier and Robert Jarrow

Firm Performance and Mechanisms to Control Agency Problems between Managers and Shareholders (Revision of 29-94)
Anup Agrawal and Charles R. Knoeber
(Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol 31, Issue 3, September 1996)

Managerial Compensation and the Threat of Takeover (Revision of 28-94) (Revised: 6-97)
Anup Agrawal and Charles R. Knoeber
(Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 47, Issue 2, February 1998)

Balanced Budget Rules and Public Deficits: Evidence from the U.S. States (Reprint 060)
Henning Bohn and Robert P. Inman

The Analysis of VAR, Deltas and State Prices: A New Approach
Bruce D. Grundy and Zvi Wiener

A Specialist’s Quoted Depth as a Strategic Choice Variable
Kenneth A. Kavajecz

The Declining Credit Quality of US Corporate Debt: Myth or Reality (Revised: 3-98)
Marshall E. Blume, Felix Lim and Craig A. MacKinlay,
(The Journal of Finance, Vol 53, Issue 4, August 1998)

Financial Markets, Intermediaries, and Intertemporal Smoothing (Revision of 5-95) (Reprint 061)
Franklin Allen and Douglas Gale
(Journal of Political Economy. Vol 105, Issue 3, June 1997)

Executive Compensation and the Optimality of Managerial Entrenchment
Gary Gorton and Bruce D. Grundy