Working Papers 2005
The Persistence and Pricing of the Cash Component of Earnings
Patricia M. Dechow, Scott A. Richardson and Richard D. Sloan
Journal of Accounting Research, Vol 46, Issue 3, June 2008
Information (In) Efficiency in Prediction Markets
Erik Snowberg, Justin Wolfers and Eric Zitzewitz
Special Purpose Vehicles and Securitization
Gary Gorton and Nicholas S. Souleles
Facts and Fantasies about Commodity Futures
Gary Gorton and K. Geert Rouwenhorst
Financial Analysts Journal, Vol 62, Issue 2
The Book-to-Price Effect in Stock Returns: Accounting for Leverage
Stephen H. Penman, Scott A. Richardson and Irem Tuna
Journal of Accounting Research, Vol 45, Issue 2, May 2007
A Consumption-Based Explanation of Expected Stock Returns
Motohiro Yogo
The Journal of Finance, Vol 61, Issue 2, April 2006
07-05 (Revision of paper 24-04)
Analyst Reputation, Conflict of Interest, and Forecast Accuracy
Lily Fang and Ayako Yasuda
(Published in the Review of Financial Studies)
Passive Decisions and Potent Defaults
James J. Choi, David Laibson, Brigitte C. Madrian and Andrew Metrick
Saving for Retirement on the Path of Least Resistance
James J. Choi, David Laibson, Brigitte C. Madrian and Andrew Metrick
Large Blocks of Stock: Prevalence, Size and Measurement
Jennifer Dlugosz, Rudiger Fahlenbrah, Paul Gompers, Andrew Metrick
Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol 12, Issue 3, June 2006
The Congruence of Shareholder and Bondholder Governance
K. J. Martjin Cremers, Vinay B. Nair and Chenyang Wei
The Role of Banks in Takeovers
Victoria Ivashina, Vinay B. Nair, Anthony Saunders, Nadia Massoud and Roger Stover
Corporate Governance and Internal Organization
Vinay B. Nair
Why Do Public Firms Issue Private and Public Securities?
Armando Gomes and Gordon Phillips
Journal of Financial Intermediation, Vol 21, Issue 4, October 2012
The Neoclassical Theory of Investment in Speculative Markets
Stavros Panageas
Dequity: The Blurring of Debt and Equity in Securitized Real Estate Financing
Georgette Chapman Poindexter
Bank Credit Cycles
Gary B. Gorton and Ping He
The Review of Economic Studies, Vol 75, Issue 4, October 2008
Eat or Be Eaten: A Theory of Mergers and Merger Waves
Gary B. Gorton, Matthias Kahl and Richard Rosen
Vote Trading and Information Aggregation
Susan E. K. Christoffersen, Christopher C. Geczy, David K. Musto and Adam V. Reed
The Journal of Finance, Vol 62, Issue 6, December 2007
Interpretable Asset Markets?
Ravi Bansal, Varoujan Khatchatrian and Amir Yaron
European Economic Review, Vol 49, Issue 3, April 2005
Price Informativeness and Investment Sensitivity to Stock Price
Qi Chen, Itay Goldstein and Wei Jiang
The Review of Financial Studies, Vol 20, Issue 3, May 2007
Human Capital and Earnings Distribution Dynamics
Mark Huggett, Gustavo Ventura and Amir Yaron
Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol 53, Issue 2, March 2006
Debt Restructuring and Voting Rules
Philip Bond and Hulya Eraslan
Futures Prices in a Production Economy with Investment Constraints
Leonid Kogan, Dimitry Livdan and Amir Yaron
Persistence, Predictability and Portfolio Planning
Michael J. Brennan and Yihong Xia
Handbook of Quantitative Finance and Risk Management
An International Examination of Affine Term Structure Models and the Expectations Hypothesis
Huarong Tang and Yihong Xia
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol 42, Issue 1, March 2007
Are Stars’ Opinions Worth More? The Relation between Analyst Reputation and Recommendation Values
Lily H. Fang and Ayako Yasuda
Journal of Financial Services Research, Vol 46, Issue 3, December 2014
The Effects of Biased Self Perception in Teams
Simon Gervais and Itay Goldstein
Solving Models with External Habit
Jessica A. Wachter
Financial Research Letters, Vol 2, Issue 4, December 2005
Let us Trade Pension Claims
Bernard Dumas and Juerg Syz
Asymmetric Information and Financing with Convertibles
Archishman Chakraborty and Bilge Yilmaz
Stock Returns and Expected Business Conditions: Half a Century of Direct Evidence
Sean D. Campbell and Francis X. Diebold
Journal of Business and Economic Studies, Vol 27, Issue 2, August 2006
The Pecking Order, Debt Capacity, and Information
Mark T. Leary and Michael R. Roberts
Journal of Financial Economics, Vol 95, Issue 3, March 2010
A Dynamic Model for the Forward Curve
Choong Tze Chang, Dean Foster, Krishna Ramaswamy and Robert Stine
The Review of Financial Studies, Vol 21, Issue 1, January 2008
A Portfolio of Consumer Credit
David K. Musto and Nicholas Souleles
Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol 53, Issue 1, January 2006
Do Consumers Choose the Right Credit Contracts?
Sumit Agarwal, Souphala Chomsisengphet, Chunlin Liu and Nicholas Souleles
The Review of Corporate Finance Studies, Vol 4, Issue 2, September 2015
What Can Rational Investors Do About Excessive Volatility and Sentiment Fluctuations?
Bernard Dumas, Alexander Kurshev, and Raman Uppal