Application and Registration

How to Apply:

Application is open to any Ph.D. student who has completed at least two years in the Ph.D. program by the time the summer school begins, and to any faculty member.  Knowledge of programming is a prerequisite.  Instructors will provide support and solution code in Matlab, Julia, and Fortran.  We are open to participants from any field, but expect participants to come mainly  from economics, finance, and accounting departments. The application deadline is March 30, 2023.  You may apply to the program by clicking one of the application buttons below.


We will admit as many participants as possible, subject to space constraints.  There will be a $300 registration fee for all participants.  **Participants must pay for their own travel and lodging.**

A limited number of rooms will be reserved at a local hotel.


Once you have been admitted to the summer school program you will be sent a registration link.  Admissions decisions are expected take place within two to three weeks from the application deadline.