Membership Old

The Rodney L. White Center for Financial Research offers corporations and individuals the opportunity to actively participate in and support the core mission of the Center, which is to promote innovative empirical and theoretical basic research in financial economics, spanning all areas of finance.

Annual Membership Gift: Minimum $10,000

Membership Benefits:

  • Access to and interaction with Wharton Finance Department faculty
  • Invitation(s) to the Rodney White Center’s annual conference and other sponsored events
  • Alerts to new research papers posted to the Rodney White Center’s working paper series
  • Recognition as a Member on the Rodney White Center’s website
  • Invitation to serve on the Advisory Board (annual gift of $25,000)

Current Industry Members


AQR Capital*

Ballyshannon Partners*

Bank of America*

Brandywine Global Investment Management*

Rubenstein Partners*

Secor Asset Management LP*

SummerHaven Investment Management*

*Represented on the Advisory Board