Marshall Blume Prize

The late Marshall Blume, Howard Butcher III Professor Emeritus of Financial Management; Professor Emeritus of Finance
The Marshall Blume Prizes in Financial Research are awarded annually to the best Wharton (unpublished) working papers in financial economics written during the prior calendar year. First prize paper is $10,000, and honorable mention papers each receive $5,000.
The Marshall Blume Prizes in Financial Research were established in 2011 to honor the late Marshall Blume (Center Director from 1986 – 2010) upon his retirement from the Wharton Finance Department after over 40 years of service. The Prizes are funded exclusively by the generosity of Mr. Bruce Terker, W’76, WG’78, a former student of Marshall Blume and longtime benefactor of the Center.

Lu Liu

Sean Myers

Gideon Bornstein